How to contact influencers on Favikon?

8 min readMay 11, 2022

Once you have found the right influencer for your brand, the next step is to contact them to plan a successful collab! Writing an authentic message, using a personalized template, analyzing the follow up… Let’s get started!

You are tired of switching between social media and your email inbox to manage your campaigns? You don’t know how to get in touch with influencers and you’re weary of being ghosted? Then we have just the solution for you… Favikon’s Messaging feature! From now on you can contact any Instagram influencer in 1 click. Forget the copy/paste step, our new feature gives you the possibility to reach dozens of influencers simultaneously and directly from your Instagram account. It has never been so easy to work with influencers!‍

Favikon Messaging feature!‍

Favikon Messaging is linked to your Instagram account, which means that you’ll use it as if it were your Instagram inbox… but better! We split your inbox in 3 sections to help you manage your different interactions with influencers.‍

The first section is simply used to retrieve all messages, whether sent ones, drafts or archives. We’ve designed several folders so that you can intuitively identify the messages you’ve already sent, those you’ve started writing, the ones you’ve marked as favorites and those that are scheduled to be sent later. This first section also allows you to create personalized folders grouping influencers of the same category.‍

For example, you can create a label for your brand ambassadors, another with international profiles and so on. And thanks to our magical search bar and its several filters, you can easily find any message or draft in less than 3 seconds! As we all know, organization and management are the keys to success!‍

The second section looks like a general inbox. This is where you will find all the messages in order of receipt like in the regular Instagram messaging. The added value lies in the possibility of identifying messages from influencers connected to labels you’ve previously created (ambassadors, managers, nano-influencers…). The labels are easily trackable thanks to the small colored icons that appear under the usernames.

And last but not least, the chat section! This is where the magic happens… The third section is where you’ll write your messages for one or multiple users at once. As on Instagram, you can attach photos, documents or even emojis. This means no more messaging from your phone, accidentally sending an unfinished message and having to switch from personal to professional accounts. Favikon gives you access to your Instagram chat box for a more professional and structured experience.

‍All in all Favikon’s Messaging feature provides better:‍

  • Organization. Differentiate sent messages from your favorites, drafts and scheduled ones.
  • Structure. Personalized folders help you sort your influencers by categories.
  • Time saving. Find any message in a few seconds with our search bar’s filters.
  • Visibility. With the general inbox, identify influencers you’ve already worked with.
  • Professionalism. Access to your Instagram chatbox from a professional platform.‍

Contact influencers. At scale! 😎

‍Now that you know how it looks, let’s see how it works!‍

👉 Step one : link your Instagram account

The first step is to associate your Instagram account with our messaging service. Promise, it won’t take more than a minute. Once you’ve linked your account, you can start creating the lists of influencers you want to contact. If you plan to do a campaign for the launch of a new collection, you can create a folder with all the profiles with whom you’d like to work. You can name the folder whatever you want and you can create more than one according to your particular needs.‍

‍💬 Step two : Personalize your message template

‍And without further ado, you can start typing the message you want to send to influencers. Don’t worry if you have writer’s block or just have trouble getting in touch with influencers, we may have the solution… Favikon created a few templates to make sure you pick the right approach according to your offer. Of course, if you pick one of our templates, you can edit it as you want and highlight your brand identity. You can even save your customized templates and reuse them at any time.‍

📩 Step three : Mass messaging in one click

You know how to select your recipients and write the message, but you’re probably wondering how it goes when it comes to sending it. Say goodbye to the massive copy/paste, from now on you have the tools to send the same message to dozens of influencers at the same time. Best of all: each influencer will receive your message individually on their Instagram inbox. And the icing on the cake is the new feature that allows you to personalize each message using the first name of each influencer. Yes, you read that right, it’s possible to send the same message to multiple influencers and simply program a personalized interpellation.‍

‍👀 Step four : Track your discussions

We all agree, more interactions equals more ambassadors for your brand. But you might have a few doubts regarding the Instagram messaging limits. “Do I risk having my account blocked due to an excess of sent messages?” The answer is no. Our feature sends the message to some of the recipients, waits, and later delivers some more, thus avoiding being blocked by Instagram. And everything happens automatically! From the moment you press send, our system delivers your message to some recipients on your list, while scheduling a slightly later delivery to others.The nugget: you can track the sending process all the way! At any time you will be able to see which influencers have already received the message and who is still on the waiting list. We just made the perfect transition to the last part… how to manage your campaigns with Favikon?‍

Manage your ambassadors‍

Working with influencers can generate great results, whether it is greater visibility, stronger engagement or higher ROI. But don’t forget a good influencer marketing strategy always comes from building a solid and long lasting relationship with your influencers. That is why brands have ambassadors, to strengthen their relationship and work hand in hand with the influencer that best represents their values and image. So it is crucial to personalize your messages, and follow up your conversations with the influencers you are collaborating with. Who knows, the influencer you are working with might just be your future ambassador.‍

Manage your conversations with influencers‍

In other words, missteps such as leaving an influencer on red, forgetting to answer them, calling an influencer by the wrong name and so on can easily end your collab. That is why the Favikon Messaging feature helps you organize and classify your discussions for more efficiency. How? With its Board and Tags.

Board: Favikon classifies your conversations by status.‍

📌 Scheduled message: Favikon lets you know when the message will be sent.‍

📌 Sent: visualize the number of influencers you’ve contacted recently.‍

📌 Seen: know which influencer you should send a second message to when having no answer.‍

📌 Replied: know which influencer you need to respond to.‍

📌 Working with: this section will allow your brand to manually add and drop influencers you are officially collaborating with into a special category. This way you can differentiate your ambassadors’ conversations from other influencers.‍

‍When evaluating your messaging board you get to manage all of your interactions by analyzing how many have already been sent, how many people have replied, how many are waiting to be sent, etc. This way you can build a solid messaging schedule as well as evaluate the percentage of successful responses. Moreover, this analysis will also provide insight on which type of messages work best to better optimize the approach strategy.

Tags. Distinguish and classify your influencers by:‍

🏷️ Influencer Tier

🏷️ Nationality/Location

🏷️ Ambassadors

🏷️ Brand

‍By using the tags, you get to classify your influencers by categories. No need to go on their profile because you forgot what they do, where they come from or how many followers they have.

‍Need an example? You just contacted ten lifestyle mega influencers from which five are currently living in Italy, and the rest are living in Spain. But you also contacted ten fitness influencers from which five are living in Italy, and the rest are living in France.

How can you best manage your messages without checking each influencer’s Instagram account to know who is who? By simply creating location tags such as Italy, Spain and France, and activity tags such as lifestyle and fitness. This way when receiving a new message, you’ll immediately know which influencer you are answering to.

Statistics. Finally, Favikon also analyses your messaging evolution by providing three figures and percentages:‍

  • Sent messages: analyze the number of messages you have sent within your list of influencers. It provides an overview, giving you an idea of the remaining influencers to contact.
  • Open messages: Provides the number of influencers who opened your message.
  • Replied: the percentage of influencers who replied to your message. Contacting influencers is nice… if you get an answer. If you don’t, you might want to change strategies.‍

Here’s a small recap of how to use the Favikon Messaging feature in 6 steps:

👉 Link your insta account‍

🎯 Create a list of influencers to contact for your campaign‍

📌 Name your list to later identify it easily‍

💬 Write your message using a template that can be 100% personalized‍

📩 Send the message (which will be delivered gradually)‍

👀 Follow up your contact strategy on the board

‍Now that you have all our key tips and resources, you are ready to plan the best partnerships with talented content creators! If you have any questions regarding other aspects of your influencer marketing strategy, whether it regards choosing the social media platform, finding the right influencer, choosing a type of collab, or so, you can check out our blog! We give you all our tricks, tips, and best practices to plan amazing collabs even if you are not an influencer pro. We tell you everything from what an influencer is to how to evaluate a partnership!




The solution to find the influencers who will best represent your product.